The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming businesses and our everyday lives. As more companies adopt IoT devices like sensors, smart meters, and internet-connected machines, they gain greater insights and automation paired with an expanded threat of cybersecurity. With billions of unsecured IoT devices projected to come online in the next few years, reliable cybersecurity measures have never been more critical.

SIM Card

Growth of IoT

IoT refers to the expanding network of internet-connected devices that collect and share data, encompassing everything from smart home assistants like Alexa to smartwatches and industrial sensors. The expansion of affordable sensors and wireless networks has fueled the rise of IoT devices across sectors like healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and transportation.

By 2025, it is estimated that there will be 55.7 billion connected IoT devices, generating 80B zettabytes of data [source link]. While IoT adoption offers businesses improved efficiency, insights, and automation, it simultaneously introduces significant cybersecurity risks that must be addressed to protect sensitive data.

Cybersecurity Threats

The growth of such devices has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals. Networks that incorporate Internet-connected sensors and appliances can be vulnerable to the following threats:


Data Breaches


DDoS Attacks

IoT devices gather sensitive data but often lack strong security measures, making them vulnerable to attacks that can steal critical information, leading to identity theft, compliance issues, and reputational damage

Hackers can use IoT devices to spread ransomware, encrypting files and demanding ransom. Such attacks can cripple critical infrastructure like HVAC systems, causing significant disruptions.

IoT botnets enable massive DDoS attacks by flooding networks with traffic, which can take down websites and major platforms.

Securing Your Network, Devices, & Data

A strong cybersecurity strategy for IoT devices begins by securing the network. This involves continuously monitoring network traffic to detect abnormalities and employing firewalls to control and filter traffic between segmented network areas. Limiting access to IoT devices through strong authentication measures, avoiding default passwords, and enforcing the principle of least privilege is crucial to restrict connections to trusted entities.

Additionally, securing each device is vital; this includes regular updates, employing strong, unique passwords managed by a password manager, and ensuring encryption of all device-generated data. Moreover, protecting the data itself is essential; this involves encrypting data in transit and at rest, implementing stringent access controls, and maintaining encrypted backups to ensure data integrity and recovery.

Partnering with the Experts

In the evolving landscape of IoT cybersecurity, RCN Technologies enhances its defensive posture through a strategic partnership with Ericom, a pioneer in zero-trust cloud cybersecurity. This collaboration enables our customers with state-of-the-art security solutions, including micro-segmentation, advanced encryption, and proactive threat prevention. By integrating Ericom’s security measures, RCN Technologies not only safeguards IoT networks, devices, and data but also empowers businesses to dive into new territory with confidence, securing their operational integrity.

To learn more about how RCN Technologies can help safeguard your IoT environment or to schedule a cybersecurity assessment, please contact us today. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of IoT security with cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance.


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